Recommendation Requests

For all recommendation letter requests, please send the following information at least three weeks prior to the due date.

1. Name
2. Email
3. Recommendation type (ex: med school, law school, grad school, internship, job)
4. Due date
5. How will I deliver the letter? (ex: electronic upload, email, snail mail)
6. To whom should I address the letter? What is their mailing address?
7. Have I written a recommendation letter for you in the past? If so, please specify.
8. List the courses you have taken with me and the grade received.
9. Describe at least one project or paper you wrote for one of my courses.
10. Describe a memorable moment of learning in one of my courses. 
11. What is your major/minor?
12. What is your relevant research experience? (ex: research assistantships, lab work, internships, papers, theses, etc.)
13. What are your relevant extracurriculars, leadership, and service? 
14. Is there anything you would like the letter to emphasize?